The Virtual Reality Bible Museum

A new kind of museum

Would you like to travel back in time and explore the decks of Noah’s Ark, or step inside the sacred Tabernacle which was built in the wilderness? Would you like to walk with the dinosaurs in the jungle, or swim with the megalodon sharks and mosasaurs in the pre-flood seas?

Now you can!

A time machine!

We’re building a Creation science/Bible history museum. But it’s unlike any Creation museum that’s ever been built before. Instead of the fossils and artifacts being locked in glass cases, they are out on tables where visitors can pick them up and look at them. And instead of being in a building, the museum is out in a jungle – a jungle with live dinosaurs walking around! If you’re brave enough you can walk up and pet a Triceratops or a Spinosaurus. You can also swim with the Mosasaurs and Megaladons, Ammonites and Trilobites, etc.


This museum also has a time machine that can transport people thousands of years back into Bible history. You can go back 4,300 years and walk the decks of Noah’s Ark, or enter the time of the Israelites and explore the Tabernacle in the wilderness. You can even go back to Daniel’s time and experience his prophetic dreams first hand. You can also be transported to the time of Christ and walk the courtyards of the Second Temple.

Too amazing to be true ?

This all sounds too fantastic to be true, but each year we’ve had hundreds or thousands of people tour this museum – even Muslims, Jews, Atheists, and lots of kids who know nothing about the Bible. Best of all, this museum is portable! During the past several years we have traveled all across the U.S. with it, to fairs, churches, schools, homeschool convention, creation conferences, etc. When the museum is set up it covers dozens of square miles, but when it is taken down, it can all be carried in one hand. Not only that, but the entire museum, with all it’s dinosaurs, artifacts, Noah’s Ark, the entire city of Jerusalem, etc. can all be stored on a device that is one-quarter the size of a postage stamp! It can also be transported across the internet, and it can be duplicated over and over, to be used by people all over the world. 


How is all this possible? It sounds like some kind of science fiction movie. But it’s not! It’s all due to an amazing new technology called Virtual Reality. Everything I just described has been built inside the computer. And when you put on the virtual reality headset, you are suddenly transported to a different time and place. You see the virtual world around you in full 3D. You can reach out your hands and pick things up, and you can explore where ever you want to in the virtual reality experiences. It feels so real that many people forget that they are only in virtual reality.


Would you like to explore scenes from ancient history in virtual reality?  Now you can!  We are preparing different scenes from the Virtual Reality Bible Museums for people to use on various platforms, such as mobile phones, tablets, desktop PC’s and VR headsets.

Just head on over to our downloads page to see what is available!


We’ve especially been targeting fairs and other public events with The Virtual Reality Bible Museum.  Each year we have many thousands of people go through the VR Bible tours and give away from 2,000 to 4,000 books and Bibles!  It has been a very successful method of evangelism at the fairs!

Are you Interested?

You could be doing this same kind of outreach!  We can help you get started so you can be doing this kind of work too.  If you would like to get involved, just use the contact form below to send us a message.

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This Museum Can Come to You!

Would you like the Virtual Reality Bible Museum to come to your area?

We can travel anywhere in the U.S. (or potentially overseas) with the VR Bible museum. We’ve brought it to churches, schools, synagogues, creation conferences, museums, homeschool conventions, evangelistic meetings, etc. It’s especially been a great tool in engaging young people to learn about the Bible. Many of them want to try it just because virtual reality is so new and they have never done it before. And many times they come out wide-eyed and amazed at how real it is! They go get their friends and family and come back over and over to tour different Bible experiences.

We’ve traveled from coast to coast, and from Florida all the way to British Columbia. So if you’d like is to come to your church, school, synagogue, homeschool group, etc. just use the contact form below to let us know!

More Pictures of the VR Experiences

To see more pictures and see updates, please visit our Facebook page by clicking the link or icon below:

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Dinosaur and Fossil Information

If you’ve ever visited our exhibit in person you may have seen our dinosaur and fossil displays. Each of the fossils in these display boxes is a piece of the amazing scientific evidence that God really did create the world in six literal days and the worldwide flood really did happen just like the Bible describes!
If you would like to learn more about these amazing fossils and artifacts, you can click the images below to be taken to the fossil information part of our website:

Other Projects we are working on

You can click on any of the green or blue headings below to see information about other projects we are working on, such as 3D Fossil Scanning, VR Creation Science Videos, 3D printing, etc.

We’ve been working with different Christian museums around the country to scan their fossils and artifacts into virtual reality, using a technology called photogrammetry. So most of the items you pick up in the VR Bible Museum are exact replicas of real museum pieces – some of them worth tens of thousands of dollars. You can pick up dinosaur bones and fossils, pottery from the land of Israel, ancient artifacts from Peru, and many other interesting things.

We are also 3D printing a selection of these fossils and artifacts to create a miniature, real life, museum to accompany the virtual reality museum.

We have also been traveling the country, shooting material for creating virtual reality videos on Bible and creation science topics. We’ve especially been visiting the many famous geologic landmarks that have been claimed as evidence for evolution and long ages of time. Our goal is to bring out the evidence which shows that these formations are, in reality, the best evidence of a global, catastrophic, flood like that spoken of in the Bible.

Once you put on the headset, you will be inside the video and you will be able to see it all around you in full 3D. Imagine being able to stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon, listening to a creation science speaker explaining how the layers were formed during the flood and how the canyon was probably cut into the ground in a matter of days or weeks by a catastrophic dam breech, and not slowly over millions of years. Or imagine going deep underground, into Carlsbad canyon, standing among the incredible formations of stalagmites and stalactites, and listening to a knowledgeable speaker explaining how this cave and the formations in it did not take millions of years, but could have formed quite rapidly under the conditions created by the flood.


Following is a list of the places we have already visited and taken VR pictures:

  1. Grand Canyon National Park

  2. Arizona Meteor Crater

  3. Petrified Forest National Park

  4. Carlsbad Caverns

  5. Lewis and Clark Caverns

  6. Bryce Canyon

  7. Zion National Park

  8. Arches National Park

  9. Dinosaur National Monument

  10. Dinosaur Valley State Park, Paluxy River, TX

  11. The Mammoth Sinkhole

  12. Mt. Rushmore

  13. SWAU Dinosaur dig site

  14. Seven dinosaur track sites in UT and AZ

  15. Glacier National Park

  16. Yellowstone National Park

  17. Badlands National Park

  18. Black Hills National Forest

  19. Agate Fossil Beds

  20. Guadalupe Mountains National Park

  21. Very Large Array Radio Telescope

  22. Theodore Roosevelt National Park

  23. Devil’s Tower National Monument

  24. Eagle Butte Coal Mine

  25. Wind Cave National Park

  26. Hot Springs National Park

God has provided us with a large bed 3D printer!  So we are in process of sculpting and printing fossils and Bible artifacts for ourselves and others.

It’s so awesome to have the ability to create these replicas so easily now!  Here are a few pictures of replicas we have printed and painted:


Below are some examples of our 3D fossil scans.
You can tap or click to activate the 3D pviewport and then use your mouse or fingers to rotate the models around and zoom in and out on them.

The Traveling Tabernacle

Would you like the Sanctuary to come to your church or community? In addition to the above VR project we also have one of our team members who travels around with full size replicas of most of the Tabernacle furniture and gives presentations about their meaning and symbolism. Below are some pictures of the Tabernacle furniture and the original creator of the models dressed in the High Priest’s clothing. If you would like to make an appointment for someone to travel to your area with these Sanctuary models, please use the contact form on this page.


Questions / Comments?

Would you like us to come to your area – to your church, school, fair, homeschool convention, etc.?

Would you like to make a donation to this ministry?

Please use this form to contact us!

    Free Bible Studies

    Do you want to learn more about how to have eternal life and live with the God who loved you so much he gave his life for you?  The link below will take to an awesome resource where you can get free Bible studies that will give you the answers to life’s questions.

    Free Audio and e-Books

    Do you like reading e-books, or don’t have much time to read and prefer to listen to audio books instead?

    We’ve put together a list of our favorite e-books and audio books.  These books have been life changing to us and we want to share them with you too.  Just click the link below to check them out!

    Free Bible Images

    Do you need free images to illustrate Bible stories for powerpoint, YouTube, Facebook, etc.?

    Click the link below to visit our page of free Bible images.

    Our YouTube Channel

    On our YouTube channel you can find some videos on creation science, Bible Archaeology, and misc. other Bible topics.

    God has the answers you need.
    You can find them in His Word!

    Man with Bible

    All content on this website copyrighted 2019 by The Virtual Reality Bible Museum.  All Rights Reserved.

    If you desire to use images or other content from this website, or materials from the VR experiences, for ministry work, please contact us using the above contact form.

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